
Over the years, anonymity has proven to be one of the greatest gifts that AA offers the suffering alcoholic.

AA members generally think it unwise to break the anonymity of a member even after his or her death, but in the case of death, the final decision rests with the family.

For this reason, it is our individual responsibility to talk with family members and let them know our wishes.


Occasionally, a family will list the full name of a sponsor in an obituary, remembrance or death notice in an attempt to thank them.

However, our AA experience leads us to believe that the anonymity of still living AA members should never be broken in obituaries or in any type of printed remembrance or death notice. This too should be discussed in advance with family.


AA can only accept donations from AA members. When contributions are made to AA they must be returned, unless it is clear that they are from an AA member.

MAICO will be closed on Saturday, Feb. 22 for the 28th Annual Youngtimers / Oldtimers event.  Hope you come join us!